Bitseed Platform

I would like to introduce Bitseed to the blockstack community. We are a company that is focused on developing a low-cost “personal server” platform optimized for hosting blockchains and other blockstack-type services. Our vision is that one of these devices should be present in every home and behind very NAT, analogous to a router, improving privacy and security via blockstack technologies.

The device is small, quiet, and uses only about 10 watts of power. It has a hard drive for blockchain data and distributed storage sharing, ARM processor and 1GB RAM. It currently supports Ubuntu and ArchLinux and can run most any blockchain node. The device would be delivered to the user pre-configured so as to be plug and play for the average user.

To date we have marketed a this device as a simple bitcoin blockchain full node for $149-169, but we are moving ahead with sophisticated solutions.

We now have available an early version of a DNSChain Namecoin DNS Server. The device implements the DNSChain stack of Namecoin + DNSChain + PowerDNS to produce a plug and play home DNS server. It will resolve .bit addresses registered on Namecoin and it will forward legacy DNS requests out to the legacy system.

More info is here

@jay I’m really excited about this latest iteration of Bitseed because it gives off-chain data a place to live. When people create an identity with Blockstore or a webpage with ZeroNet, they’ll need an always-on, always-available place to host the data so others can reach it. Bitseed provides a low-cost, low-power, easy to use device for hosting this data.

The other night I used a Bitseed Namecoin Edition to navigate to a ZeroNet .bit website and retrieve data over the ZeroNet DHT that was installed on another Bitseed device.

Putting the software on these two devices together gives us a prototypical version of the Blockstack and really gets me excited about the possibilities for Bitseed. I’d love to see what else developers can do with this device and software combo :sunglasses:

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