Anyone else have issues with the Linux wallet?

I downloaded stacks-wallet.mainnet.v4.0.1.deb and restored with my seed phrase. The correct balance shows up; however, I am unable to send STX to another address. I have had two separate problems.

  1. Before sending there is a “Preview” button. I cannot get past the Preview button (except for one time).
  2. When I did get past the Preview button (the one time), I received the message that my wallet password (which is required) was not correct. I am most certain that it is correct!

Are there any other reported problems with the Linux wallet, or is it just me?

Thanks for any info,

After additional attempts, I now have a pending transaction. I still suspect that there are issues. The process of sending a transaction required multiple attempts.

Glad it’s resolved @bx549 — on launch we were having some issues with the API. We’ve released some fixes, so make sure to keep your wallet up to date.

Version 4.0.2 is working fine on Linux (for me anyway). Thanks.