Sorry to hear that you’re having troublem connecting to the default Gaia Hub. Can you see if there are any errors in your Javascript console when you try to upload your photo?
2018-02-14T17:45:46.709+0100 ERROR utils/api-utils.js: isCoreApiRunning: problem checking http://localhost:6270/v1/node/ping [TypeError: Failed to fetch]
TypeError: Failed to fetch
2018-02-14T17:45:46.724+0100 ERROR utils/api-utils.js: isApiPasswordValid: problem checking http://localhost:6270/v1/wallet/payment_address [TypeError: Failed to fetch]
TypeError: Failed to fetch
It looks like the background daemon that the blockstack browser communicates with died. Try closing and restarting the Blockstack system tray application, or restarting your computer.
Tried that and Uninstalled the application for good masseurs without any luck.
But I noticed something in the URL - don’t know if it is relevant but, when I click home the URL that opens the Blockstack browser contains my API password. But when I reaches the option of choosing the default storage the url is as follows (http://localhost:8888/#coreAPIPassword=off&logServerPort=off ) ? don’t know if it is relevant ;D