I am just trying to register a name, this used to work.
Now if I try say nowayinhellthisistaken.id it says this ID is already taken.
Long strings with more than 30 char works. Anyone else facing this?
I already tried restarting from fresh after restoring keychain, same result.
How do you get a log dump on a linux box (Fedora) ?
Thank you
I was getting this error late last night as well. It doesn’t seem to be happening anymore, however. At the time I noticed that explorer.blockstack.org was stuck loading as well.
Our public nodes had a little bit of downtime last night that got fixed (the load-balancer died and there was a bug in the monitoring tool that caused it to not notice). Sorry about that! We’re working on fixing this.
Yes just bad error text. Using the browser console helps a lot to figure out what’s wrong. I wish had known this from the start.
Anyway I’m up and running now. My ID is abdoulaye.id. I stopped using the script for docker install on linux, just too painful. Install from source works best for me.