I am building a mobile dapp to automatically track places you visit. I have looked at the blockstack storage tutorial and was wondering whether I should store all visits and location info in one visit.json file like this
“arrivalDate”: 1444766800,
“departureDate”: 1444781724,
“latitude”: 37.76315,
“longitude”: -122.4139,
“createdDate: 14447669800,
“location”: {
“name”: Quickcheck,
“address”: 510 Main Street,
“city”: Sayreville,
“state”: NJ,
“zipcode”: 08872,
“country”: USA
or it is better to split them up into an index file with a list of days and separate files that looks more like this
[with all places visited that day]
[with all places visited that day]
[with all places visited that day]
To give more content the initial UI will display all the places someone visited that day in a list and map and allow them to switch days. But in future releases I want to also do some analytics on the data to provide insights. Such as a weekly, monthly and ongoing summary of the most visited places, or top category of places visited, hours spent at home or at work, etc. In the future I might also want to display the pictures you took at a specific place in the app…
So posting this to get some advice for what my options are and best approach to using blockstack storage.