2018-08-29 Engineering Meeting

Date/Time: 2018-08-29 @ 14:00 UTC / 10:00 EDT / 22:00 HKT
Click here to convert to your time zone
Length: 30 minutes
Meeting link: https://zoom.us/j/966890423

This meeting is for the engineering team, app developers and the community to discuss engineering concerns or questions.


Please reply to this forum post with items you would like included on the agenda.

Each item should include:

Item name
Background information: Links to github issues, forum posts, etc with background information on the item
Desired outcome: what decision or deliverable would you like from the discussion of this topic at the meeting?

Bug Fixes from Last Sprint

Background information:

Desired outcome:

  • Everyone decides to review the above post, and make sure it’s complete.

Refactoring blockstack.js to remove dependency on local storage

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These notes were written after the meeting from my memory. Apologies if I missed anything!

Weekly issue update

Please add any issues that were completed to the post.

Update about the progress of local storage removal

We discussed breaking up blockstack.js into various libraries.

One view is that the main benefit of breaking the library into modules is separate owners.

Gaia & stack transactions might be such a break.

Another view is that breaking up a library allows apps to optimize their size - we’re not clear this is actually true in that we haven’t looked into which dependencies drive the large size of the library.

Gaia interface

There is lack of clarity on the exact interface and scope of gaia.

Does it include encryption? Does encryption live in blockstack.js?

Which promises does gaia make? What functionality does it need to deliver on those.

Questions about on-boarding.

He would like to collect display names & profile pictures.

Proposal #1: allowing developers to communicate what items they want and on-boarding adjusting depending on the app’s needs.

Proposal #2: allowing apps to update the user’s profile

Proposal #3: burner id solution that gives on-boarding control to apps