2018-08-08 Engineering Meeting Notes
- Ken
- Aaron
- Shreyas
- Will
- Thomas
- Jeff
- Jude
- Mary
Splitting up auth and gaia in the iOS SDK
- Ken and Aaron: will cause developer confusion and won’t match blockstack.js.
- Blockstack.putFile will use the app’s default Gaia hub.
Gaia and Auth separation
- How do you separate auth from Gaia if Blockstack auth is the only way to authenticate with Gaia?
- Gaia does not have to rely on Blockstack auth, it’s just how the library works right now
- Have handlePendingSignIn call a separate Gaia.js, which will establish a Gaia Hub Session
- Jude will take a crack at the separate Gaia.js this week
Multiplayer storage in iOS SDK
Longer derivation paths for apps key
- Aaron has 2 PR’s in browser and blockstack.js ready
- Major change, because it’s a change in the way we do key derivation
- Will need to release new version of blockstack.js before integration into the browser
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