2018-06-14 Consumer Products Engineering Meeting

Date/Time: 2018-06-14 @ 12:45 UTC / 08:45 EDT / 20:45 HKT
Click here to convert to your time zone
Length: 30 minutes
Meeting link: https://zoom.us/j/966890423

This meeting is for issues around our consumer-facing products such as the Blockstack Browser and app.co.


Please reply to this forum post with items you would like included on the agenda.

Each item should include:

Item name
Background information: Links to github issues, forum posts, etc with background information on the item
Desired outcome: what decision or deliverable would you like from the discussion of this topic at the meeting?

We’ll save ~10 minutes or so for community questions or comments at the end of the meeting.

2018-06-14 Consumer Products Engineering Meeting Notes



Browser bug fix for mobile SDK

  • A reset state page on the browser for the SDK to open and get out of bad state
  • Hank can take a look and work with shreyas on that


  • Hank: App landing page wrapped up at the end of the week
  • Also working on platform specific pages