2018-03-08 Engineering Meeting

Date/Time: 2018-03-08 @ 14:00 UTC / 09:00 EST / 22:00 HKT
Length: 45 minutes
Meeting link: https://zoom.us/j/416493133

NOTE: Due to Blockstack Berlin event, there will be no engineering meeting on 2018-03-01.


Please reply to this forum post with items you would like included on the agenda.

Each item should include:

Item name
Background information: Links to github issues, forum posts, etc with background information on the item
Desired outcome: what decision or deliverable would you like from the discussion of this topic at the meeting?
We’ll save ~10 minutes or so for community questions or comments at the end of the meeting.

I’ll turn proposed items into an agenda prior to the the meeting.

Mobile SDK Approach
My research findings on the mobile SDKs posted here:

Desired outcome: Decide how we will build the SDKs

Onename Sunsetting:

Desired outcome: A list of onename sunsetting items that need to be completed and status update.

2018-03-08 Engineering Meeting Notes


  • Ken
  • Ucefkh
  • Larry
  • yannisdc
  • Chase
  • Muneeb
  • Aaron
  • Jude

Mobile SDK

  • No need to implement auth
  • SDK MVP needs only storage
  • Blockstack.js should not use localStorage
  • Some team members have C++ background
  • Larry to do more research
  • Generally agreed on going with approach #3, separate native SDKs

Sunsetting Onename

  • Aaron has turned registrar back on - turned on only exports/transfers.
  • There are users whose names expired that have not been contacted
  • Expiring in next 6 months, we can offer to transfer
  • Beyond 6 months, give them the private keys so they can transfer it
    • We’d need a tool for this - relatively easy, can use blockstack.js
    • Announce the tool with the sunset
  • Add a page that shows private key on Onename
  • Review transfer process
    • remove identity index?
  • Aaron has tested 10 exports from the queue

Other Mobile approaches

  • Make changes so that blockstack.js works in cordova, react native, electron and other web tech apps first before tackling full mobile SDK (suggested by Ucefkh)
    • Handle situations where there’s no manifest.json
    • What is the app_domain for apps that aren’t web apps? iOS bundleIdentifier (suggested by yannisdc)
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