Meeting link:
- Discuss engineering handbook/process: +Blockstack Engineering Handbook
- Review progress on user stories:
- Discuss priorities for next week
- Discuss release schedule of 0.21.6 (0.22?)
Desired outcomes:
- Does engineering handbook make sense? Yes
- If so, what other things should be added or changed? We need to flesh things out and include more about deployment and release
- A list of engineering team priorities to present to co-founders See below
All of our user stories are on schedule for this sprint except for lightweight multi-reader storage.
Individual Priorities for the coming week:
- Larry: Technical debt & testing, project management stuff
- Aaron: Hex string issues on blockstack.js, prioritize auth testing
- Ken: Demo app for lightweight multi-reader storage & api changes
Engineering Team Priorities
- Lightweight multi-reader: demo app & api changes
- Project management: triaging issues, etc
- Test authentication both on browser & blockstack.js
We also had a discussion as to our lightweight multi-reader storage api: