Steep adoption path for regular users

Wow @digitalwaveride – I overlooked your mocks based on the problems you identified. I think you hit the nail on the head with a lot of these suggestions.

A couple notes:
Rather than “Enter with Blockstack,” we could say “Continue with Blockstack.” This is how Facebook has phrased their oauth cta.

I like that even as you’re explaining Blockstack to the user, the ability for them to create an account is always the focal point. As they’re watching the video (or maybe flipping through a few slides on the right), the form is always available.

I think its the right move to utilize the app data to pull in the app logo and name on the page, and explain on Blockstack that App X uses Blockstack under the hood and heres why.


Your suggestions make a lot sense. I still think the value of an id should be explained really clearly because on no other app do users have to pay for a username. Although I know why, I think we will lose a lot of people at this step.

Would subdomains change anything in this regard? So users can test sharing documents between each other in Graphite without buying .id’s first?

Thanks @digitalwaveride we are working on this right now and are aligned on a bunch of your ideas.

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Wow, these are great @digitalwaveride! Thanks for taking the time to write these up!

@Jude @jeffd
Glad if it’s useful.

Do you guys think it is doable to make it happen in just 4 steps?
Skipping things like keychain verification, storage choice etc?

Or do I miss any crucial stuff under the hood that has to happen?

@digitalwaveride check out 2018-03-08 Mobile Blockstack ID creation / onboarding update

We’re tackling onboarding for mobile and web right now and are taking your feedback into account! Long story short, yes, you’re onto something with skipping a few steps that can later be filled in. The only thing we definitely need is a user identity.

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@digitalwaveride Love the mocks. I will say in both the mocks and your onboarding you mention when I user clicks through to Graphite from the Blockstack Browser you expect to just be in the app. But what if you have no idea what Graphite is? The blockstack browser should and will be acting as an app store. So any app probably should be linking from there to their main marketing/promo site so users know what the app actually is before getting started.

Happy to hear counterpoints to this because it certainly affects the onboarding process for all apps and the ultimate decision might be something that can be standardized so the user experience is consistent.

Good point.

The first question that could be asked is: Is the mental model of “apps” and “app store” the right one for a decentralized internet? Which would lead us obviously into a longer discussion.

If we focus on fixing the current flow and mental model “app store”, I think this could be solved from two sides.

From the app side:
It would be crucial to find a way how to know where the user came from (cookies? would you do it differently in dapps?).
There are basically three main states:
– A) User discovered, started there the signup process to Blockstack and then comes back the first time to the Graphite app
– B) User signed up via or any other dapp and finds Graphite in the App Store, and enters Graphite the first time
– C) User is an active user of Graphite, created documents etc. , opens the Blockstack app store and enters the app.

In none of the cases above, I would recommend sending the user back to your main landingpage/homepage One reason is that it feels not like progress, but a bit broken, if you end up somewhere, where you have been before. Another reason is that you want to lead users to a particular next step in their journey, and your landingpage was built for a different purpose, so there should be a better option for the user.

– For case A) It would be great to send the user directly into the app to your first onboarding step for first time signed in users. (That would be currently the app overview screen, I guess? … maybe in future you might consider to give first time users a bit more of a guidance with some tutorial cards or coach marks etc.)) As the user has started the signup process on through Blockstack, the authentication for Graphite should be implicitly part of that flow.

– For case B) Even though the user doesn’t know a lot about Graphite yet, at least the user is already familiar with the dapp concept and Blockstack. Which means you can focus a bit more on your apps and features than selling the overall concept. In order to keep the “app feeling” a bit alive, I could imagine to send the user on a welcome page that feels not like homepage but more like welcome screens and the beginning of onboarding tutorials that you are used to see after you downloaded an app in the iOS or Mac AppStore. (All these apps tell you still something about the app concept, and educate you how to use it.)
The main difference to classic homepage is that the flow process could be much more streamlined, no distracting navigation options etc… but just one flow that leads as soon as possible to the oauth screen and then into the app.

– For case C) The user is sent directly into the main view of the app (overview screen with your Graphite apps) or maybe even better, if the last session was not long ago (last 12hours or something) directly back to that site/document where the user left the last session.

From Blockstack App Store side:
Currently the App Store lacks something very important for the experience of a store, which is at least quick descriptions about the apps. Obviously in the best case it would go in the direction we know from other big stores, that includes little app profile screens with descriptions, screenshots and most important some user ratings and comments.
When the App Store becomes a bit more richer in that direction, it will be also more and more unnecessary to redirect users to the app landing pages.

Does that make any sense?
Currently a bit a hurry, therefore haven’t had the chance to think about all this twice… sorry.

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I think this makes a ton of sense. I could see the listings for apps on the Blockstack Browser also having a specific link to a page that onboards the user better (like you suggested). Then you don’t have to track referral activity, you just have to provide a static link to Blockstack. This is what apps on Product Hunt tend to do.

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