VOTE LIVE! - SIP-027 non-sequential multisig txs with Vlad - public SIP call this Friday 12pm ET

Join us this Friday for a discussion with the SIP author, @fess-v, about this Consensus SIP - Sip 02x non sequential multisig transactions.

:star: Subscribe to our weekly SIP call at 12 PM ET: Add to Calendar

:star: Link to this week’s SIP call: Join the Space

:loudspeaker: Please note, this SIP aims to organize a community vote for anyone with STX alongside the sBTC Bootstrap SIP.


Vote is live! :fire:

Vote here:

Vote period: from August 1st (cycle 90) for 1 cycle, i.e. around 2 weeks. More precisely between Bitcoin block 854,950 and 857,050

Happy voting! :raised_hands:


Be sure to check out the SIP 027 Contest Good Kitty is running to get engagement in the SIP discussion and voting process.

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:loudspeaker: ~Less than 24 hours to vote. Closes at #Bitcoin block 857,050. Just a reminder.

Go voice your say for the blockchain you are building on!

See post: