sBTC Updates - Weekly MegaThread

This Week’s News & Stories - Fri, 15 Dec 2023

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Dear Bitcoiners,

The energy in the Stacks community is electric. The sBTC and Nakamoto working groups have been putting in overtime to close out key milestones. There are new apps on the horizon and investors are taking notice. Meanwhile, the business development working group notched some wins of their own.

With everything going on in the Stacks ecosystem, it can be a lot to keep track of. I break down the latest so you can stay up to speed on the leading Bitcoin L2.


💻 Nakamoto Milestone v0.2 is code complete

👉 What this means: this milestone achieves a controlled testnet for Nakamoto, an important step on the Road to Mainnet. The working group is currently integrating this with the new ClarityWASM virtual machine, which will bring additional improvements to the network.

We’ve now started on the next milestone v0.3 to integrate the full DKG (distributed key generation), which will enable multiple signers on the network. By this milestone, most of the Nakamoto functionality will be complete. Special shout out to all the core engineers who made this happen!

👉 TLDR: Nakamoto is on track 🚀

⛓️ Pyth Price Feeds Launch on Stacks

Builders rejoice! Stacks developers can now integrate their applications with 400+ real-time price feeds from the Pyth network. I’m excited to see what developers build using these new tools. Read the full announcement to get started.

📝 Figment announces plans to become Signer on Nakamoto

In recent news, Figment announced support for the Stacks Nakamoto upgrade. This will enable Stacking in their network of 250+ institutional clients.

Through this integration, Figment is helping to secure the network and enable the next generation of Bitcoin applications. Read more about the partnership here.

📈 Investor perspectives

🎅 Happy Stacksmas to all, and to all sovereign rights!

Finally, be sure to check out the recording from this year’s Stackies ceremony. It was great to see so many community contributors recognized for their work throughout the year. Also, Kyle gave a dramatic reading of this year’s Stacksmas poem that you do not want to miss.

Based on this meme, it appears Setseuz celebrated his “Best Builder” award for approximately sixty seconds before returning to Nakamoto 😂

Can’t believe I get to work on Bitcoin & Stacks all day :)

Life’s insanely neat - back to it y’all, we have a bull market to catch 🦾

— Setzeus (e/acc) 🇺🇸 (@setzeus)
Dec 14, 2023

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This Week’s News & Stories - Fri, 22 Dec 2023

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This past week has been one of the most fun in recent memory. Bitcoin builders are fully in control as we head into 2024. There’s been a lot happening in the Stacks ecosystem, so let’s dive in.

🤯 STX20 Protocol: Innovating Inscriptions on Stacks

What is it?: The STX20 protocol is a community-led initiative to create digital artifacts on Stacks. Inspired by BRC20s, the protocol works by embedding information in the memo field of a Stacks transaction. The protocol is fair mint, meaning anyone is able to deploy new inscriptions. The first official token launched was STXS, which minted out its 21M supply limit in just under a couple hours.

Why it matters: STX20s are driving meaningful new activity on the Stacks network. What started as a group chat with a few degens, resulted in 120,000+ transactions with average daily transactions up over 700% month over month. Despite some minor congestion around the launch, the Stacks network handled the increased traffic with ease, thanks to the work of Stacks core engineers to optimize the mempool.

How builders responded:

Concluding thoughts: Degens are going to degen

STX20 tokens are objectively hilarious — not only for the memes, but because Stacks already has a fungible token standard called SIP10. While some may dismiss this on the surface, it simply shows that degens are going to degen. I certainly won’t be fading this new protocol. And in case you were wondering, yes, STX20s will trade against sBTC in the future.

💸 StackingDAO launches on Mainnet

Congratulations to the StackingDAO team on their mainnet launch.

StackingDAO is a new liquid stacking protocol on Stacks. It combines the benefits of earning native BTC rewards with the flexibility to deploy STX in DeFi and Web3 protocols.

The work to bring this functionality to the Stacks ecosystem started in May 2023 with a Stacks critical bounty. The initial goal was to “provide a streamlined stacking process for users and offer rewards for securing the network while maintaining liquidity.”

This is a big achievement for the ecosystem:

  • It unlocks $500M of STX capital which can be used in DeFi and other use cases.

  • Stacks holders can continue to earn yield, without waiting two weeks to unlock their STX (the duration of a Proof-of-Transfer cycle).

  • After the Nakamoto upgrade, Stacking providers will be required to run a Signer node in order to receive protocol rewards. This means that StackingDAO could become a preferred solution given the easy user experience.

Liquid Staking is now a $20bn+ industry with clear demand in other ecosystems. Importantly, if StackingDAO is successful, they could become one of the larger signers for sBTC, contributing to the decentralization of the protocol. I’m thrilled that this capability is live on Stacks and look forward to the ecosystem extending support for stSTX.

🌐 Tim Draper is “pretty excited” about Stacks.

In case you missed it, legendary investor Tim Draper is “pretty excited” about Stacks. He compared Stacks and applications built on Bitcoin to what Microsoft enabled during the internet boom. Welcome to the community, Tim.

🌍 Around the Ecosystem:

"sBTC represents a fundamental piece of infrastructure for developing scalable, native DeFi on Bitcoin. sBTC is vital to Velar's roadmap, particularly for Velar V2 Artha, where sBTC acts as collateral. This enables a historic first: using Bitcoin holdings as collateral for leveraged trading of tokens on native Bitcoin DeFi."

Mithil Thakore — CEO, Velar

Finally, this will be the last issue of 2023. I am looking forward to Season 2 of Bitcoin Writes starting in January. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday and look forward to building on all of this momentum in 2024.


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This Week’s News & Stories - Mon, 01 Apr 2024

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Dear Bitcoiners,

2024 has been off to an electric start. With Bitcoin Spring fast approaching, seeds that were planted during the bear market are beginning to bear fruit and we are starting to see the flowers bloom.

This newsletter breaks down the most important updates across the Stacks ecosystem and why they matter. There’s a lot happening, so let’s dive in.

🔥 Nakamoto Public Testnet is Live

The Nakamoto public testnet was a major milestone achieved on March 25th, 2024. This release enables developers and Signers to test Stacks block production before mainnet activation.

The Nakamoto upgrade includes changes Stacks consensus, requiring Stackers to run validator nodes to confirm new Stacks blocks. This is an essential part of the system’s liveness and we are already seeing signers join the testnet.

What’s next: The Nakamoto upgrade will be rolled out in phases with a series of planned releases over the next two months. The chart below provides a summary of what users can expect in each upgrade.

Upcoming Milestones:

  1. Mainnet Instantiation: April 15-29

    • The PoX-4 contract is shipped while the Nakamoto rules remain inactive. This phase allows signers to register on mainnet without contributing to Consensus.

  2. Mainnet Activation: May 15-29

    • The Nakamoto rules activate enabling the full set of Nakamoto features including Signer-based functions, fast blocks, and Bitcoin finality.

Takeaway: The Nakamoto upgrade is fast approaching and core developers across the ecosystem are working to ensure a timely and secure rollout.

✍️ The Stacks Ecosystem Welcomed 8+ New Signers

Signers have a strategic role in the Stacks ecosystem, validating Stacks blocks and in the future, processing sBTC deposits and withdrawals.

In Q1, we were thrilled to offer a best-in-class group of Signers to the network. This included both institutional and indie validators alike. These Signers joined an exceptional group that includes Figment, Xverse, Ryder and others that are preparing for launch. Read more on this latest Signer cohort here.

Why it matters: Stacks aims to have the largest validator set of any Bitcoin L2, ensuring that Stacks remains the most decentralized layer to build Bitcoin applications.

🔐 BitVM Offers Huge Potential for Bitcoin Layers

BitVM was introduced in late 2023 by Robin Linus. It offers major potential improvements to BTC bridge and sidechain designs, bringing greater expressivity to Bitcoin without requiring changes to Bitcoin’s consensus.

The Stacks ecosystem has formed a new BitVM Working Group and is expected to invest more than $2 million on BitVM research and development over the next 12-18 months. For further reading, Hiro does a great job breaking down the impact of BitVM on Stacks and sBTC.

TLDR: BitVM changes the trust assumptions from an M-of-N honest majority to a 1-of-N security model, requiring only one honest participant. This enables optimistic-bridging functionality on Bitcoin. Combined with certain covenants, BitVM could significantly improve trust-minimized BTC bridge designs.

It’s worth noting that BitVM is still early in its development and the first BitVM bridges aren’t expected until 2025. Despite this, it is clear that BitVM has catalyzed a new wave of interest in Bitcoin development and it’s thrilling to see the evolution of this technology.

Takeaway: We want to ensure that sBTC remains at the cutting edge of trust-minimized bridge designs and can evolve as new technological breakthroughs emerge in the future. For now, BitVM doesn’t impact the sBTC rollout strategy, which is projected to be released a few months after Nakamoto. The sBTC Working Group will share more details on the sBTC roadmap in the upcoming weeks.

🧱 Liquid Stacking Emerged As a Powerful New DeFi Primitive with $100M+ TVL

Liquid Stacking is emerging as a critical building block of Bitcoin DeFi.

It allows users to earn native yield through Stacking while allocating their assets to other DeFi protocols. Since its launch, Stacking DAO has seen impressive growth — it recently surpassed $100M Total Value Locked. This provides greater liquidity for projects like Bitflow, Zest, and Arkadiko which have been quickly launched new products using stSTX.

What’s next? I expect the Liquid Stacking wars to heat up in the coming months. LISA, a project by ALEX, has already partnered with Ryder and Xverse to grow their liquid stacking commitments. Also, Papaya has taken a novel approach that will also include staking for sBTC. It’s worth closely watching this space to see how these projects develop.

🏆 Ecosystem Wins

Concluding Thoughts

I would be remiss not to include mention of the first spot Bitcoin ETF approval in the US. This milestone established Bitcoin as a mainstream asset, with institutions such as BlackRock, Fidelity, Bitwise and Ark among issuers that have received over $11 billion in net inflows since January 11th.

That’s good news for Bitcoin layers like Stacks. More institutional demand for Bitcoin will ultimately find its way into startups and protocols throughout the Bitcoin ecosystem. As a result, Stacks is well positioned to capture this demand, ushering in new ways to make Bitcoin a productive asset.

This year is off to a great start. We’ve got a lot of work ahead and several tailwinds at our backs. If you’re looking for a signal to start building on Bitcoin, now is the time.


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This Week’s News & Stories - Tue, 30 Apr 2024

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sBTC Rollout: Overview

sBTC enables secure movement of BTC onto the Stacks L2 in order to benefit from more scalable and expressive smart contracts. Today, the sBTC working group has released an update on the sBTC rollout plan that comes following an extensive scoping exercise.


The sBTC Release Candidate will be ready at the end of August. From there, core developers want to observe 3-4 weeks of stable Nakamoto behavior on mainnet, and then the release of sBTC can begin. Given the extra time between now and Nakamoto Activation that was added for Signer resiliency features, sBTC can now follow Nakamoto by roughly a month instead of two.

Bootstrapping Phase

Since the introduction of the initial sBTC design last year, the Working Group has been gathering extensive feedback from builders and experts inside and outside the ecosystem. This process has identified a path for rollout that includes two key phases:

  1. Bootstrapping: In this phase, an initial group of Signers selected by a community vote will be responsible for Signing sBTC transactions on the network.

  2. Signer Rotation: In this phase, the full design of the sBTC system with an open and decentralized Signer set is reached, increasing decentralization after the system is further tested in the bootstrapping phase.

Rollout Plan

The benefit of this initial bootstrapping phase is that sBTC can launch quickly and securely. This version does not require a hard fork to launch, which will help accelerate the timeline. This approach will allow builders to start gathering users and TVL, while also allowing as much time as needed to safely increase Signer decentralization.

The sBTC working group has projected the following launch milestones:

  • July 2024: Code complete

  • August 2024: sBTC mainnet release candidate ready

  • Nakamoto Activation: sBTC mainnet release follows +4 weeks

  • Q1 2025: sBTC Signer Rotation begins

Rollout Rationale

The rollout plan for sBTC takes over a year of research and learnings into account, with the key points being:

  1. sBTC must be safe at launch. Given the fact that Bitcoin is a pristine asset, there is no room for launching a production system that is experimental in nature. For sBTC, a controlled release that is more centralized initially is an industry best practice that will allow more time with the benefit of real-world usage and mainnet activity in hand to ensure the system is robust before further decentralizing the Signer set.

  2. Builders need sBTC ASAP to power Bitcoin applications. The sBTC Working Groups has received consistent feedback that builders would prefer a version of sBTC that can be released sooner rather than later. Starting with the bootstrapping phase allows sBTC to be released more quickly but still safely, allowing builders to begin using it, acquiring TVL, and building their user base while further upgrades and progressive decentralization of the Signer set can happen in the background.

Deep Dive: Bootstrapping Phase

The bootstrapping phase brings sBTC to the Stacks mainnet with a limited group of Signers. From a user and developer perspective, sBTC during this phase will not be vastly different from sBTC as articulated in the white paper.

There are, however, important difference and tradeoffs during this phase. Let’s first take a look at the high-level features.


  1. sBTC will be a SIP-10 token backed 1-1 by BTC in a peg wallet

  2. The sBTC wallet will be maintained and managed by a limited sBTC signer set that will persist throughout the bootstrapping phase

  3. BTC can be converted into sBTC within 3 Bitcoin blocks; and sBTC can be converted into BTC within 6 Bitcoin blocks

  4. The SIP-10 token contract stays the same, meaning no adjustment from builders will be needed as the system gets more decentralized in the Signer Rotation phase.

Differences in the Bootstrapping Phase:

Several changes are being implemented to enable sBTC to be launched earlier and with less risk:

  • sBTC Signers will be selected through a community voting process. The sBTC design implements a dynamically rotating signer set each Proof of Transfer cycle. However, in the bootstrapping phase, sBTC signers will be selected through a community voting process that will take into account Signer features and availability.

  • sBTC Signers are separate from Stacks Signers. In the final sBTC design, Stacks signers are required to become sBTC signers to fulfill sBTC deposit and withdrawal actions. The bootstrapping period uses a separate subset of Stacks signers to secure the BTC wallet and Signer operations are not explicitly linked with slashing of rewards.

  • sBTC deposits will be triggered via an API call. During the bootstrap phase sBTC deposits must be initiated via an API call to alert the signers to the presence of a Deposit. After the bootstrapping phase users will have the option to alert the Signers of a deposit via a Stacks contract call, but the API will remain as a fee-less option to communicate with the Signers.

Next steps

Since the sBTC whitepaper was released, we’ve set out to build a more decentralized and permissionless Bitcoin asset aligned with the ethos of the Bitcoin ecosystem. In addition, we want to ensure a safe launch with minimized downside, ensuring we treat Bitcoin as the premier asset it is. The bootstrapping phase outlined above enables all of this while accelerating the speed to market, helping Bitcoin builders in the process. The ecosystem and sBTC Working Group are committed to continued increases in decentralization as the system matures and invite you to follow progress on Github or by subscribing to this newsletter.

Bitcoin is more than people think and sBTC will soon prove that to the world!

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This Week’s News & Stories - Mon, 15 Jul 2024

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Gm everyone,

Bitcoin summer is finally here. Don’t let the sideways market fool you - the “potential energy” stored in the Bitcoin ecosystem is positioning for explosive growth. The convergence of developer growth, technical innovation and regulatory tailwinds have laid the groundwork for a significant increase in adoption as we head into end of year.

Stacks is a key part of this, creating infrastructure to scale Bitcoin through layers. sBTC enables developers to build on Bitcoin and connect BTC to a growing network of decentralized applications. This newsletter breaks down everything you need to know happening across ecosystem.

Today's Issue 👇

  1. Stacks Receives No Action Letter from SEC

  2. Nakamoto 3.0 Is Code Complete

  3. Bitcoin Enters Mainstream Politics

  4. Register Today: Bitcoin Builders Conference

😤 Stacks Receives No Action Letter from SEC

Hiro, the company that builds developer tools for Bitcoin and Stacks, shared on X that it has received a No Action letter from the SEC. This concluded a three year investigation into the Stacks cryptocurrency in the best possible outcome for the company.

Stacks was the first company to “come in and register” with the SEC as part of its Reg A+ token offering in 2019. At the time, this decision demonstrated the project's focus on building long-term as well as its commitment to doing things the right way.

👉 Why it matters: Bitcoin's leading L2 is now cleared by US regulators. As institutional interest in the category continues to grow, this sets Stacks apart as one of the few tokens in the US that’s SEC compliant.

💬 The bottom line: With all the scrutiny the industry has faced over the years, hopefully this sets a precedent against regulatory overreach and signals that the tides may be beginning to turn.

💯 Nakamoto 3.0 Milestone Is Code Complete

On Friday, Stacks developers celebrated another major achievement: The Nakamoto 3.0 milestone is now code complete.

The Nakamoto upgrade will improve the speed and security of the Stacks network, with features designed to make it the best place to build Bitcoin applications. With this release, it also clears the way for sBTC to launch shortly thereafter.

In April, Stacks released phase one of the upgrade, Nakamoto 2.5, which activated the Stacks Signer network. As of today, there are 35 geographically distributed signer nodes on the network with 375M STX stacked (worth over $600M at today’s valuations!).

👉Why it matters: Nakamoto is a ecosystem-wide effort to provide the best user and developer experience on Bitcoin. This milestone brings us one step closer toward to the final release date later this quarter.

🇺🇸 Bitcoin Enters Mainstream Politics

Bitcoin is the separation of money and state. It is inherently apolitical; and while this blog is politically neutral, it’s worth acknowledging the way that Bitcoin has entered mainstream politics over the past few months.

Last week, the Republican Party released its official 2024 platform that included the following embrace of crypto:

It is incredible that this pro-crypto stance would be supported by a major political party in the United States — another sign that the regulatory landscape is changing.

I also want to definitively state that it’s unfortunate to see the country delving into political violence. We are better than that and I hope that we can come together as a nation following this weekend’s incident.

🧑‍💻 Bitcoin Builders Conference: Register Here

For everyone coming to Nashville, make sure to register for the Bitcoin Builders Conference! You’ll hear from leaders across the Bitcoin ecosystem from companies like Trust Machines, Bitcoin Frontier Fund, Spartan Group and more.

Yours truly will be there discussing sBTC, so if you are a founder looking to build on Bitcoin, I’d love to connect.

Until next time,


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