Nothing here, yet... Looks like this transaction is not currently available. If a transaction with this ID is found, the page will automatically update

can support help me???

the chronology,

  1. I made a withdrawal at 15:15:11 on 19/01/2021 from Okcoin to Kucoin.

tx ID : Transaction not found - Stacks 2.0 explorer

  1. 5 hours after making a withdrawal I check again because I haven’t received STX at Kucoin, the information on the transaction ID is still pending.

  2. Around 23:00 I did the checking again but the transaction was still pending. and I’ll check in the next day

  3. after I wake up in the morning at 07:22, my transaction ID is not tracked anymore and a notification appears "Nothing here, yet …
    Looks like this transaction is not currently available. If a transaction with this ID is found, the page will automatically update ".


so is there a solution to this incident and will my STX not come back and disappear?

please support

This typically means that the Stacks transaction was in the mempool but was never confirmed. Because the transaction was never confirmed, the funds remain at the original address and a new transaction will need to be generated.

I believe OKCoin is working on an integration upgrade to resolve such transactions that don’t confirm on the network. You should watch out for updates from them and then re-try.

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how do i make a new transaction, even my STX doesn’t return to my account. I think I was not the only one who experienced this, I saw that in the telegram group there were also those who experienced it. please give us the return solution

Issue fixed! Thank you :grinning: