About AWS - Blockstack Gaia — cannot access hub_info

Thank you

Try the following 3 commands - this appears to be something on LetsEncrypt/Nginx side.
after the reboot, it’ll take a few minutes to regenerate everything but this should work (sequence worked in my tests in ap-southeast-1 region).

systemctl start reset-ssl-certs.service
sed -ie '39d' /gaia/docker/nginx/conf.d/nginx-ssl.conf

==== AUTHENTICATING FOR org.freedesktop.systemd1.manage-units ===

Authentication is required to start ‘reset-ssl-certs.service’.

Authenticating as: root


polkit-agent-helper-1: pam_authenticate failed: Authentication failure


Failed to start reset-ssl-certs.service: Access denied

See system logs and ‘systemctl status reset-ssl-certs.service’ for details.

core@ip-172-31-20-20 ~ $ systemctl status reset-ssl-certs.service

● reset-ssl-certs.service - Reset Gaia to first boot

Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/reset-ssl-certs.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)

Active: inactive (dead)

core@ip-172-31-20-20 ~ $

And i do not know the password; Can you tell me .Where can i find it ;


thanks for the reports and the patience…
there are several improvements i’ll be working on based on this thread.


based on your reports, i’ve updated the gaia image for AWS.
if you use the community AMI named

it should address all of the issues you’ve had.
https://docs.blockstack.org/storage/amazon-s3-deploy.html hasn’t been updated yet, but the changes are PR’ed there and will be updated soon.

Got it ,Thanks :smiley:smiley:smiley: